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  • Writer's pictureNat Devine

#7 I Beg Your Pardon

A recount of the first two week of term, in the form of a poem (more melodic for your ears - you're welcome) and a collection of quotes straight out of the mouths of my students (and a parent).


We’ve been in class for two weeks already,

The learning of students’ names has been quite steady.

One hundred and eighty-one names have been perfected,

The only ones that I have accidentally neglected,

Are the ones of the new students who appear out of the blue,

That get put in your class, but you don’t have a clue.

You welcome them in and find them a seat,

And hope and pray that they are actually sweet.

You apologise that you don’t have a folder for them yet,

And hope that their face and their name you don’t forget.

All of my students have a different personality,

And it’s really important to embrace individuality.

I have learnt who is outgoing and who is super shy,

And a variety of activities are always on standby.

I’ve tried some group work, pair work and work alone,

And I’ve learnt which students will reply with a groan.

When we are learning most of them are super keen,

And not many of them actually need me to intervene.

The lessons are long, at an hour and ten,

Some fun and games are needed, now and then.

A favourite revision game I’ve played has been with a ball,

Ball games, Kahoot and Bingo have proven to enthral.

Today we did some reflection with closed eyes,

At first I heard a whole lot of “whys?”,

But they became still, and I was taken by surprise,

Having ten minutes of meditation was a blessing in disguise.

When the students say thank you at the end of the session,

It makes you forever grateful to have chosen this profession.

Some of the best moments of each and every day,

Are laughing and reflecting on what the students say.

Below you will find some random quotations,

That definitely result in some interesting conversations.

Some things that they say make me want to laugh out loud,

Some things they say make me super proud.

But then there are things that make the tears fall,

And make you feel so sad you want to hide and bawl.

You remember that some of your kid’s lives are quite tough,

And you give them your support and love and hope it’s enough.

Please enjoy my “quotes straight from the mouths of my kids (and a parent)”,

And the randomness and joyfulness of my job will be very apparent!

Here are 4 quotes, straight from the mouths of my students, and 1 quote straight from the mouth of a parent with the name and gender of the student, a brief context as to where the conversation took place, the exact quote and my initial reaction.

Age: 15

Gender: F

Context: Discussing likes and dislikes in a foreign language classroom.

Quote: “I hate it when someone in my house poos in the toilet, and then doesn’t even clean it”.

Reaction: Surprise, denial, a delayed awkward laugh and then the realisation that she actually wanted to be able to say that in the target language. This led to an impromptu lesson on bodily fluids, in the target language. Very practical.

Age: 12

Gender: F

Context: I was just walking around the class checking on the students doing their work.

Quote:“Miss, can I tell you something I’m proud of. Last year I overcame self-hate and depression.”

Reaction: Sad, happy, proud, confused and I just wanted to give out high fives and hugs. So I did give out a high five and shared how wonderful that was to hear. My heart <3

Age: 11

Gender: M

Context: The students had just walked into the room and this particular student came straight to me in a swift manner, evidently needing some urgent advice.

Quote: “My Mum thinks I’m overweight and need to go on a diet. She doesn’t understand that food is life. Well my life. Food is life isn’t it Miss? You said yesterday that we should do what makes us happy and sometimes that means not worrying what other people think. So could you maybe write my Mum an email and tell her that I am just doing what you’re teaching us please, like to live a good life and don’t worry about what others think? I’m too young for a diet. Plus, most of my classes I need to walk upstairs so I’m not lazy like she says. Please help me Miss!”

Reaction: I wanted to disappear on the spot, to get out of having to go forward with this conversation. He was correct that I did try and teach the class a life lesson about doing what makes them happy and sometimes that means not worrying what other people think. But definitely not to disregard their parents, and ruin their bodies. Next lesson’s topic should be called: “Your Body Is A Temple” and "Your Parents Are Always Right"….that might do the trick…..I hope I don’t get any awkward follow up parent phone calls.

Age: 14

Gender: M

Context: Student arrives late to class without shoes on and asks for a private conversation before entering the room.

Quote: “So get this Miss. I had basketball at lunch and went to change into my uniform and my black shoes were missing. Good news is I found them! Bad news is I found them in a toilet covered in pee and toilet paper, so I left them in there and I don’t know what to do? Can you help?”

Reaction: Angry that someone can be so mean, then sad for the boy because he was sad, and also like I just wanted to give him a hug and let him know he’s an awesome kid and there are some cruel people in this world. So I let him know he's an awesome kid and everything would be okay, and sent him to get some help regarding his shoes that were in the toilet......(unflushed he tells me!).

Age: Unknown

Gender: M

Context: A parents replying to my “Welcome to Religious Education” email.

Quote: “On a side note, we are not a particularly religious family, however we are very respectful of other religions and animals. We strongly value compassion towards animals. We’ve encouraged our child to ask many questions and challenge your views, as a teacher in a respectful way. We have taught him all about respectful questioning skills.”.

Reaction: 1. Can you mention animals again do you think?! 2. I am sorry but your lessons on respectful questioning skills were not successful. At all.

That’s five quotes that you have just read,

Can you believe some of the things that were said?!

I hope this helps you further to comprehend,

That teaching is fabulous, I will not pretend.

Every day is so rewarding, and no two days are the same,

Teaching is the absolute best job around, I must proclaim.

In finishing, here are my hopes and dreams for Week 3. Happy Week 3 fellow teacher!

And never forget that:

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